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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Kestrels and Kites

Year 3 & 4 at Pulloxhill

Kestrels and Kites is a Year 3 and Year 4 combined class at Pulloxhill.  We are the eldest children in the school and we take on various responsibilities. This can include setting up the hall for assembly, organising the music and hymns and ensuring the school library is organised.  Kestrels and Kites also take lead roles in the Student council and Eco-Committees. 

Kestrels and Kites endeavour to be great role models for the rest of the school and strive to live the British and school values, in school and at home. 

During the academic year, we work hard and continue to build on the skills we have learnt in EYFS and KS1.  A key focus in KS2 is building on our vocabulary and grammar understanding. We continue to build on what we know and develop our knowledge and understanding through supporting and helping each other.

Much of the English focus in years 3 and 4 consists of learning how to extend and change the meaning of words using prefixes and suffixes, the present perfect term, fronted adverbials, standard English and inverted commas. Where possible we aim to enrich the children's education with a wide range of activities off-site. 

In Mathematics, the Kestrels and Kites will learn to use a variety of strategies to calculate and solve many calculations and mathematics problems. Kites will focus on  their times tables to prepare them for their Year 4 Times Tables Assessment at the end of the academic year. As an academy, the children will have access to Times Tables Rock Stars to help and support them in learning their times tables in a fun and engaging way, at home and in school. 

Homework in Kestrels and Kites is a weekly Learning Log. Children are asked to practise some of the skills they have learnt in school and research new topics. Additionally, children need to read daily and quiz when they have completed a book to demonstrate their understanding and reading comprehension.

We are also extremely lucky to have our PE lessons led and supported by Premier Sport, our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.

We have strong links with Arnold Academy and work closely with them. We prepare the children in Year 4 to ensure a smooth and happy transition. We endeavour to become independent, responsible and confident learners to ensure we are ready for our next schools. 

Class Teacher - Ms Redwood-Worthy 

Teaching Assistant- Mrs Sullivan 

Summer 2 Curriculum News

Summer 1

This half term as again flown by! We started the term with a fantastic academy geography field trip to Greenfield. The children was enthusiastic and very keen to discuss the changes that have happened in Greenfield in the past ten years. The residents of the new estates were very welcoming and interested in what the children were learning. 
In science, we have investigated and experimented on the needs of a living thing. The children have really enjoyed watching and documenting the changes in the plant growth. 
In RE, we have looked at religious and non-religious people celebrate and worship and discovered that are values, morals and British Values were also part of everyone's lives.  Similarly, in English the children have really enjoyed the story 'The Legend of Sally Jones'. We shared some wonderful discussions and the children's opinions of what is right and wrong and how are values are affected by the lesson are parents teach us. 
We are ending this half-erm with our traditional May Fayre celebrations and evaluating our 'Henri Mattisse' art work. 

Spring 2

Yet another very exciting and busy half term in Kestrels and Kites! We have embarked on the journey through the Roman Invasion of Britain and Studied the power and might of Boudicca and her Army, as she battled her way through Colchester, St Albans and London.
To enrich the learning of the children we enjoyed a fantastic academy trip to the Mosque, Gurdwara and Christian Church in Bedford. During our trip we learnt about the daily lives of Muslims, Sikhs and Christians and how their practice their faith on a daily basis. We have read some amazing texts that have sparked our imaginations and shown us how important the people in our lives are and that amazing memories we make and how we use
artifact to recall these events. Family and friendships have also been a strong part of our music and PSHCE/RSE learning, which has sparked amazing singing and great conversations about peer pressure and the importance of you parents knowing who your friends are and where you are.
We have worked incredibly hard to create a moving monster using a pneumatic system in design technology, which the children have loved designing.
We heave enjoyed and learnt many facts about ‘Light’ and the sources of light in science. We have created shadows and most of all we have learnt about how our bodies protect our eyes from light and more importantly how ‘WE’ can increase that protection to our eyes.
And... let us not forget World Book Day where we all celebrated our favourite book by
dressing up!

Spring 1

This half term, Kestrels and Kites have engaged with the topic of geology. We have learnt about the types of rocks, as well as their compounds, allowing us to apply our knowledge to the question, “Is sand a rock?” We learnt about the different layers of soil and the three main types of soil. We looked at the types of soil in our own back gardens and our local area. We used maps and globes to help us learn about Latitude and Longitude, and we also learnt about the Earth’s tectonic plates. In geography and English, we looked in depth at Italy and the country’s landscape and we read a story about two children who escaped Pompeii in AD79 and the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.
In art we have been creating upside down art, laying on the floor to paint under our desks to imitate how Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel.
We have worked hard in maths on our multiplication, division skills and scaling. We have also worked really hard as a class on our team building skills in PE, particularly in OAA, where we have been solving problems and gathering co-ordinates to solve a puzzle.

Autumn Term 2023-24

Autumn 2

Kestrels and Kites have enjoyed another great half term. We have learnt all about the digestive system, and looked at the journey our food travels through our bodies. The children produced some amazing models of our digestive system, using recyclable materials.

We learnt about the Stone Age through to Bronze Age, and finally on to the Iron Age. We looked at the beginnings of farming and mining for metals, some of which we still use today.

We looked at the seasonality of fruit and vegetables. We learnt that now fruit and vegetables are imported, they are available to eat all year round. We looked at the season within the hemisphere, and how seasons are opposite.

We the year with our Christmas performance, Greenfield and Pulloxhill intra-sports competition and pantomime.

Autumn 1

Kestrels and Kites have had a fabulous start to the year. We have embarked on the journey of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and we loved it! We have learned about our teeth and the purpose of each tooth, dental hygiene and the digestive system. We have spent time learning about the United Kingdom and the cities, towns and villages, within each county. We have had great fun learning instructions, numbers and greetings in French. We have been learning how to play tag rugby and have shown we are great defenders and attackers. We have celebrated two head teacher awards for writing vocabulary and for determination.