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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Owls!

Year 2 at Greenfield



Welcome to the Owls.  Year 2 is where we extend our knowledge and understanding from Year 1 and build on the skills that we have learned.

PE lesson are delivered by Premier Sport and our PE day is Friday when we have a double session in the afternoon. 
Remember that long hair needs to be tied up, thank you.

Children read every day at school. The children will read individually and in groups to an adult and undertake comprehension tasks to ensure they understand the texts that they read.  Children are encouraged to read at home as regularly as possible to support their progress. 

Our weekly Learning Logs are an excellent opportunity for children to share and discuss the learning they have done at school with family at home. We encourage the children to complete the work themselves with their own pictures, writing and sometimes photographs. Our Learning Log activity is set on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by the following Wednesday. Please make the Learning Log a positive and enjoyable activity. 


 Class Teacher - Ms A Fox

Summer 2 Curriculum News

Autumn Term
The Owls have settled in well to Year 2 and have enjoyed their learning this term.

In Design Technology we have researched and designed a Christmas tree decoration from fabric. We have practised the skills of pinning a template to fabric, cutting out accurately, sewing running stitch and sewing on decorative trimmings. The finished decorations looked very festive!  We then wrote the instructions for how to make a Christmas decoration from fabric as part of our English curriculum.



The Owls have been reading ‘If All the World Were’ by Joseph Coelho. This is a story with such beautiful language and imagery that it sounds like a poem. We used the story as the inspiration for writing our own poems. We then practised reading our poem aloud to the whole class.

In history we have been learning about the Great Fire of London in 1666. We have explored what caused the fire and why it spread so quickly, by comparing how life was different in those days compared to today. We learnt about the damage that the fire caused and how it changed the way people lived afterwards. We learnt that there are different types of historical evidence and that we know so much about the Great Fire of London because of the eye-witness account written by Samuel Pepys in his diary.