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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to Robin Class

Reception Class at Greenfield

Welcome to Robins, where we learn through playing and working together.

There are seven main areas of learning in the Foundation Stage Curriculum, which the children follow: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding of the World, and Expressive Arts and Design. 

Here are some things you might like to know about our class:

  • We practise our phonics, reading, mark-making / writing and mathematics every day. 
  • We enjoy 'story time' every day.
  • We have Collective Worship every day and we follow our school’s values.
  • We have PE on a Monday and a Wednesday.
  • We learn and practise a print handwriting style to begin with and when we are ready move onto a pre-cursive handwriting style.
  • We bring home a new library book every Tuesday or Wednesday.  Please share this book with your child and ensure that it is brought into school every day.
  • We celebrate successes from time in school and at home through our online learning journey Tapestry.
  • We have a home/school communication book.  Please ensure that this is sent in to school each day.

If we have not mentioned something you would like to know, please do not hesitate to ask.

We believe that all children have the right to achieve their full potential and should benefit from a wide-ranging curriculum that is differentiated to each child. Our classroom is stimulating and the activities we plan and set out are highly engaging, enabling all children to achieve their best.  We work closely with the children’s families, making sure we reflect the children’s beliefs and experiences in our curriculum, working together to ensure the best outcomes.

Class Teachers - Miss A Morgan (Mon-Wed), Mrs J Leaver (Wed-Fri)

Teaching Assistant - Mrs M Butts

Robins Class Curriculum News Summer 22024

Summer 1 - 2024


This half term the Robins have enjoyed watching our caterpillars grow, turn into a cocoon and hatch into beautiful butterflies. We had great fun releasing them and watching them fly away.

Our topic was growing and we have been busy planting and growing a variety of plants and vegetables. We experimented to see what cress grew best in, soil, sand or cotton wool. It was great to be able to try our produce as we tasted some delicious cress sandwiches!

We hope that the sunflowers that we sent home are growing well, please send in pictures so we can see the progress. The other seeds that we planted are doing really well in our outdoor area and we are looking forward to being able to try some of our produce when we come back after half term.

Spring 2 - 2024

This half term the Robins have been learning about dinosaurs, Mother’s Day and Easter. They have enjoyed listening to lots of stories and facts about dinosaurs and even wrote their own fact file.

World Book Day was really exciting as the Robins dressed up as characters from their favourite books. Their teachers even turned into dinosaurs for the day!

On Mother’s Day, they were very keen to share why their Mummy was so fantastic and delighted to give them a homemade card and biscuit.

As the weather is becoming a bit warmer, there has been more willingness to explore our outdoor area and they have done a great job of spotting signs of spring.

We have been learning about why Easter is important to Christians and the Robins have been practising their songs, rhymes and prayers for the Easter service. They loved performing with the Owls and Wrens to their families.

Spring 1 - 2024

The focus for this half term has been ‘Toys’ and the Robins have enjoyed learning about different types of toys, old toys and what materials toys are made from. The highlights this half term have been making and playing with peg dolls and sock puppets, and, bringing in their own favourite soft toy to school and having a teddy bears picnic with them.

We have also been learning about the Chinese New Year and as a class treat, enjoyed visiting the Robin’s class ‘Chinese Restaurant’ for a Chinese Feast!

Autumn 2 - 2023

The Robins have really enjoyed learning about different festivals this half term, They have celebrated differences, shown their British values, shared experiences and learnt about the past whilst finding out many facts about Bonfire Night, Remembrance, Diwali, birthdays, Eid al-Fitr and Hanukkah.

They have finished the half term thinking about Christmas, making lots of Christmassy crafts (with sparkles galore) and learning about why we celebrate Christmas. They were all amazing in our Nativity service at Flitton Church. The half term has ended with the treats of a Christmas activity day with the Penguins, a visiting panto in school and eating Christmas lunch whilst wearing our Christmas jumpers.

Autumn 1 - 2023

The Robins have settled in to school life brilliantly, we are so proud of them. They have adapted to new routines, made lots of new friends and enjoyed exploring our indoor and outdoor classroom provisions. The Robins have particularly enjoyed learning about themselves and each other in our Magical Me topic, learning a song and performing it in our Harvest Festival, trying healthy fruits, going on a senses walk around school and PE lessons with Mr Clarke.