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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Statutory Information

This page provides statutory documents and information.  Click on the links below to read, save or print.

OFSTED and SIAMS Reports

The Ofsted Reports for Greenfield C of E School can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

The Letter to Parents dated 19th April 2024 can be read by clicking here.
The Ofsted Report for 2024 can be read by clicking here.

The report for 2009 can be read by clicking here.

The report for 2006 can be read by clicking here.


As a church school, Greenfield is inspected by the Diocese.

The SIAMS report can be read by clicking here.


The Ofsted Reports for Pulloxhill School can be viewed by clicking on the links below:

The latest report in September 2013 can be viewed by clicking on this link.
The report for 2008 can be read by clicking here.

Our School Day

Children can be dropped at the school gates between 8.45 am and 9.00 am. 
Morning registration will take place at 9.00 am and will close at 9.05 am.  
Our school day finishes at 3.30 pm, and children can be collected from the playground.
This amounts to 33.75 hours.


At Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy our children thrive in a stimulating and purposeful learning environment.  At both schools, children enter the Early Years Foundation Stage with widely differing attainments.  They make at least good progress as they move through the schools so that, by the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2), a greater proportion than the national average attain Age Related Expectations (ARE) and above.  This progress continues at Key Stage 2 so that by the end of Year 4 our children are more than ready to move onto their middle schools.  We are proud of our children and the progress they make.  We regularly reflect on our performance and standards and strive to continuously improve. 

Performance Tables

You can get statistics about school performance, including test results, teacher assessments, Ofsted reports and financial information as well as being able to compare schools in your area from the Department of Education website.  

Exam and Assessment Results 

Phonics Results for 2022 - 2023:
Greenfield - 83% of pupils achieved the standard in the Phonics Screening Check
Pulloxhill - 92% of pupils achieved the standard in the Phonics Screening Check

Key Stage 1 - Data from 2022 - 2023:

Percentage of children achieving ARE or Above in:
Reading - 75%                     2021/2022 National Average 67%
Writing - 75%                       2021/2022 National Average 58%
Maths - 75%                        2021/2022 National Average 68%

Reading - 67%                     2021/2022  National Average 67%
Writing - 67%                       2021/2022  National Average 58%
Maths - 83%                        2021/2022 National average 68%

Key Stage 2 - not applicable

Key Stage 4 - not applicable


Key Documents

COVID19 Catch-Up Premium 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Report

Sports Premium

SEND Policy and Information Report

Equality Information & Objectives Statement

Admission Arrangements

Aims and Ethos


Privacy Notice

Scheme of Delegation


Consultation Documentation

19th June 2024

Please click here for latest amalgamation updates.

3rd June 2024

We now have a decision from the ministerial office to amalgamate Pulloxhill School and Greenfield School from September 2024.  All stakeholders have been informed of this decision.  We are now busy planning and organising, and will inform parents as quickly as possible as plans are finalised.  Many thanks for your co-operation. 

3rd May 2024

We are still waiting for the Delivery Officer to inform us of a final decision regarding the amalgamation of the schools as it is being escalated to ministerial level.

19th April 2024

We have been advised that the decision on the amalgamation will not be made until it has been submitted to the ministerial office.  We will provide a further update when we know anything further.

15th April 2024

Following a meeting with the Regional Director's office, we have been advised that we should expect a decision regarding the proposed amalgamation in the next few weeks.

8th March 2024

We have been informed today that the business case will be on the East of England advisory board's agenda for the meeting on 28th March 2024.  We will inform you of the outcome as soon as we are in a position to do so.

16th January 2024

A SRMA (School Resource Management Advisor) visited the academy on Thursday 11th January.  Analysis of the information will now be carried out and reported on within the next 6 weeks.  We will keep you informed of next steps as we receive this information. 

30th October 2023

The Governors and Trustees would like to provide an update on the East of England advisory board's decision following submission of our business case for a proposed amalgamation.
The Trust has been advised that whilst the business case went to the board in October, a decision has been deferred pending further information. We will be working with a SRMA (School Resource Management Advisor) and providing any details that they need.  We are currently not in a position to advise on the timescale of a decision. We will however keep you informed once we are in a position to do so. 

Central Bedfordshire Council Letter

Updated Consultation Document 10.7.23

Updated Q&A Document V4 - 21.7.23

Updated Q&A Document V3 - 14.7.23

Updated Q&A Document V2 - 10.7.23

Q&A Document V1- June 2023

Updated Census Details


Statutory Policies

Acceptance of Gifts, Hospitality, Prizes or Benefits

Accessibility Plan

Accessibility Audit

Accounting (see Finance Regulations)

Admissions & Appeals 2024-2025

Admissions & Appeals 2025-2026

Appraisal & Capability Policy 

Appraisal & Capability Policy Appendix

Attendance Policy


Charging & Remissions

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children with Health Needs who cannot Attend School

Code of Conduct for All Adults

Competitive Tendering (see Finance Regulations)

Complaints Policy

Data Protection

Designated Teacher for LAC

Disciplinary Procedures Relating to Misconduct for all Employees & Disciplinary Rules for all Employees

Disciplinary Rules for All Employees

Early Career Teacher Induction Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage

Equality Information & Objectives Statement

Finance Regulations

First Aid

Freedom of Information

Governors' Allowances (see Finance Regulations)


Health & Safety


LGPS Employer Policy Statement (Discretions)

Protection of Biometric Information of Children in Schools and Colleges (see Data Protection Policy)

PSHE and RHE Education Policy

PSHE and RHE Overview

Risk Management


Statement of Procedures for Dealing with Allegations Against Staff (see Child Protection Policy & Procedures)

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions

Suspension & Permanent Exclusions

Whistleblowing/Confidential Reporting


Academy Accounts to August 2023

Final Accounts to August 2023

Academy Accounts to August 2022

Final Accounts to August 2022

AGM Minutes 4th January 2023

Academy Accounts to August 2021

Summary Accounts to August 2021

Summary Accounts to August 2021 - Notes

Final Accounts to August 2021

AGM Minutes 5 January 2022

Academy Accounts to August 2020

Summary Accounts to August 2020

Summary Accounts to August 2020 - Notes

Final Accounts to August 2020

AGM Minutes 6 January 2021

Academy Accounts to August 2019

Summary Accounts to August 2019

Summary Accounts to August 2019 - Notes

Final Accounts to August 2019

AGM Minutes 8 January 2020

Academy Accounts to August 2018

Summary Accounts and Notes to August 2018

Final Accounts to August 2018

AGM Minutes 9 January 2019


Charity Trustees' and Members Names

Memorandum and Articles of Association

Master Funding Agreement

Supplemental Funding Agreements


Paper copies of all documents on the website can be provided free of charge by the school upon request. Contact the school office for more details.