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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



 Welcome to the Eagles 

Year 4 at Greenfield


Eagles are the year 4 class at Greenfield School.  As we are the oldest children in the school, we take on various responsibilities.  These can include setting up the hall for collective worship, being responsible for the music and the hymn words, being a lunchtime dining hall helper and helping children be physically active.  Eagles also take lead roles on the Eco-Committee and Student Council. The children also have the opportunity to become worship leaders and to be part of the choir if they would like to.

Eagles strive to set good examples and show the rest of the school how to live our values.

During year 4, we work hard to build on the maths, reading, writing, spelling and grammar skills from year 3.  Our learning, in all areas of the curriculum,  is a combination of independent, partner and group work. We share our great ideas and support each other.  We enrich our learning with educational trips, visitors and a wide variety of activities in school.

Homework in Eagles is a weekly learning log consisting of two tasks. Children are asked to practise skills learned in school and research new areas of topics. There are also multiplication tables to learn for weekly tests in preparation for the year 4 national test at the end of the year. The children have access to TTRockstars at home and in school to help with their preparation for this. The children are asked to read daily and quiz when they have completed a book to demonstrate their reading comprehension.

We look forward to our residential trip away from home where we develop our independence, make our own decisions and cement our friendships as well as taking part in some amazing activities!

Our PE lessons are led by Premier Sport and our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.

We have strong links with Arnold Academy and work closely with them. We also liaise and meet with the other local lower and middle schools.

The children endeavour to become independent, responsible and confident learners and we prepare them to ensure a smooth and happy transition to  their next schools.

Class teacher -  Mrs Potter 

Summer Term 2 2024 Curriculum News 

Spring Term 1 2024

We have worked very hard during this half term. In science, we loved exploring states of matter. We carried out investigations using water as a liquid, a solid and a gas.  In art, we found out about the artist, Alexander Calder, and created fish sculptures using different media. We developed our badminton skills and took part as a team in challenging activities known as OAA, outdoor adventurous activities

Autumn Term 2 2023


We have read 'The Story of Tutankhamun' and found out lots of fascinating facts about his tomb and the people who helped to find it. We wrote instructions for the mummification process and how to make papyrus. We have written diary entries in role as Howard Carter and described the many objects that were found. We also read the book 'Until I Met Dudley'. We learnt about the imaginary inside workings of every day objects which included an animal. You may have heard about our class pet, a hamster, that lives inside our electric pencil sharpener, please be assured that this is entirely imaginary! We then found out the technical explanation for each object and compared them to the imaginary version.


We learnt about healthy eating and seasonal fruits and vegetables. We looked at the ingredients in shop bought, ready prepared stir fries and cooked and tasted them. We then thought of the ingredients we would like in our class stir fry and wrote recipes. We enjoyed preparing the vegetables and most of us enjoyed eating it.

Ancient Egypt Day

We dressed up as archaeologists for the day. We read and acted out the story of Osiris, the first pharaoh and the best part of this was the feast. We learnt about gods and goddesses and made a clay Eye of Horus and created our own picture of the goddess 'Bastet' who is the protector and the daughter of Ra. We played a board game to test our ancient Egyptian knowledge and found out more amazing facts.

Autumn Term 1 2023

We worked hard to learn our harvest song and we loved performing it to all our families and friends. We hope everyone who was able to attend the Harvest Festival enjoyed it.

In our PE lessons, we have thoroughly enjoyed learning and developing our basketball skills and tactics. We have been lucky that our lessons have been on warm and sunny days.

Autumn Term  1 2023

We have settled in really well and risen to the challenge and expectations of being the oldest children in the school.

In art, we have been learning about complementary and harmonious colours as well as the artist Sonia Delaunay. We have used paints to mix our own colours. We have also experimented with the placement of complementary colours using Orphism art as the stimulus.