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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Wrens

Year 1 at Greenfield


Wrens are the year 1 class at Greenfield School.  During year 1, we work hard to transition from the Early Year’s curriculum to more formal learning while developing routines to help us begin to establish our independence. Year 1 is a very exciting year as the Wrens experience many things for the first time, have ample opportunities to challenge themselves and start to discover their own skills and talents.

During year 1, we work hard to learn new skills with a particular focus on phonics, reading, writing and maths. The Wrens also enjoy the opportunity to focus on individual subjects such as history, geography and science for the first time as well as broadening their social skills in PSHCE. Wrens continue to reflect on the school values and how they can fully embrace them both at school and home.

Homework in Wrens is a weekly learning log which aims to inspire the children to embrace their creativity while either consolidating knowledge gained through the term or as a starting place for a new unit of work. 

Our PE lessons are taught by Premier Sport and we have a double PE session on a Wednesday afternoon.

Many Thanks for your continuing support of your child and our school.


Class Teachers - Miss E Higgs

Teaching Assistants - Mrs L Platt and Mrs C Kirby

Wrens Curriculum News Summer 2

Autumn 2023

Wrens have had another great half term and have all worked very hard. We have explored a range of books in English and we particularly enjoyed reading ‘Beegu’, a story about a lost friendly alien. We learned about different characters and how to describe them.  We have also been learning about the Gunpowder Plot and understanding the history behind firework night, we watched some animations of the story and enjoyed creating some pictures.  We all enjoyed the pantomime 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and had a wonderful time with Christmas activities.