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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Ducklings

Nursery at Greenfield


Ducklings is the nursery class at Greenfield School. Every child will be assigned a keyworker shortly after starting in Ducklings. 

The children in Ducklings are taught through play and are provided with new learning experiences, in both the indoor and outdoor environment. The key workers in Ducklings model for the children, encouraging them to imitate and learn new skills. We nurture positive relationships with our parents, involving them in their child's learning and incorporating children's experiences at home into our learning.

During your child's time with us in Ducklings, they will explore different topics and be introduced to counting, colours, shapes, pencil control and many other wonderful new experiences. The children will be supported to learn the routines and boundaries of the class, encouraging sharing and building friendships with their peers. The children will be taught self-care skills, such as washing their hands, toileting and putting on their own shoes and coats. 

We introduce the children in Ducklings  to phonics, beginning with learning environmental sounds, for example, animal noises, aeroplanes in the sky, etc. We explore a new letter each week and work through the alphabet, finding different things beginning with that sound. As we progress through the year we will support the children to recognise their own name and some letter sounds. 

We strive to make each child's time with us in Ducklings as enjoyable as possible to enable them to have a wonderful beginning to their learning journey through our school. 


Children are welcomed into Ducklings from 3 years. If you are interested in your child attending our nursery please contact the school office, who will provide you with a Starting Ducklings information pack.


Nursery Assistants
Mrs S Coote
Miss C Cruise

Mrs M Richards
Mrs L Palmer

Ducklings news, Summer 2 2024.pdf

Ducklings Curriculum news, Summer 1.pdf

Ducklings Curriculum News Spring 2

Ducklings Curriculum News Spring 1

Summer Term 1 2023 /2024

Our topic this term has been growing, the children in Duckling class have planted seeds, learnt to care for them and proudly watched their plants grow. We have observed the life cycle of butterflies, when caterpillars came to live in our classroom and the children were excited as they watched each stage occur, finishing as the butterflies flew away.  We also explored the life cycle of chickens, looking at eggs, then learning about the different stages and producing pictures of the cycle.

The children have looked at the class baby photos, guessing who is who and then comparing their own baby photo to how they look now, talking about what skills they have learnt and how they have changed as they have grown. Children have started to think about how they can keep themselves and their bodies strong and healthy as they grown bigger and have talked about what they would like to be when they grow up. The children have produced lots of lovely colourful art work throughout this topic and they have enjoyed pretending to shop in and work in a garden centre in our role play area.

Spring Term 2 2023/2024

The children in Duckling class this term have explored the topic of Dinosaurs. The children have engaged in a variety of art and craft activities, including using recycling items to make dinosaur models, using chalk to draw with and using their own hand and feet prints to create different dinosaurs with. Children have explored fossils and dinosaurs hidden in ice eggs. The children have used a variety of non-fiction resources to find out more about dinosaurs, their habitats, where they have been found around the world and to introduce new vocabulary such as herbivore and carnivore, and we have used fiction books to recall the stories we have listened to this half term., including stories about Spring and Easter. 

We finished the term with celebrating Easter, reading the Easter story and talking about religious traditions as well as our own family traditions and celebrations we may share with our families over the  holidays. 


Spring Term 1 2023/2024

This half term the children in Duckling class have been exploring the topic Toys, including what toys are made of, how they work and the differences between old and new toys. Children have made their own toys, including cars, cup and ball games and they have created toys out of recycling materials. Children in the class used their vocal skills to talk about their new toys, creating pictures of the toys and sharing how the toys make them feel and why they are special.  The role play area has been a toy shop, where we have pretended to make, repair and sell toys and introduced mathematical vocabulary with regard to money and size.  

Towards the end of the term, the children found out more about Chinese New Year, listening to the Lunar Story and re-enacting the story with the masks of the different animals in the lunar calendar. The children engaged in different craft activities, including making a class fan dragon, fingerprint cherry blossom trees and shape dragons, they also tried Chinese food and engaged in dancing to music and recreating the lion and dragon dancing as seen during Chinese New Year celebrations. 

Autumn Term 2  2023/2024

This half term we have been finding out about festivals and celebrations, including those that are special to us, including Diwali, Bonfire night, Eid, Hanukkah and Christmas.  The children have created Rangoli patterns and made playdough Diya lamps for Diwali and Mehndi hand prints and moon and star pictures for Eid.

The children created firework pictures, using a variety of techniques and resources and we talked about fire safety for Bonfire night and the Ducklings made a lovely wreath of poppies for Remembrance Day. The children have practiced their cutting skills to make Menorah candles for Hanukkah and the children have made Nativity pictures and scenes from recalling the story and acting out the Nativity story with puppets. The children have been making some special Christmas surprises for their families and our role play area has been a Gingerbread House and then Santa’s Workshop.

Autumn Term 1 2023/2024

This half term we have welcomed new families to our class, we have enjoyed getting to know the children and their families and have supported the children whilst they settled into Duckling class. We have celebrated Black History Month, through listening to music from a variety of genres and a variety of music artists, we have learnt about Morgan Garrett, who was a inventor and Baroness Floella Benjamin's journey to England.

Our topic was Magical Me, the children spent time learning about how wonderful and unique they are, through the different skills they have, producing self portraits of themselves and noticing any similarities and differences they may have to their friends when looking in mirrors. The children spent time learning about people who can help them stay healthy, when they are poorly or hurt and need help and we talked about how to be safe when near to roads. The children also learnt about the importance of looking after their teeth, and the food that may not be good for our teeth if they are eaten too often.