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Greenfield & Pulloxhill Academy

Nurture Inspire Flourish


Greenfield School: Pulloxhill School:

Pulloxhill Road, Greenfield, Bedfordshire MK45 5ES



Welcome to the Herons

Year 3 at Greenfield



As children move from KS1 into KS2 they continue their learning journey through developing their knowledge and independence further. 

We encourage reading daily in school through various forms (independently, in a group or with an adult). Children take their reading books
home each day and we encourage reading with a parent most evenings where possible. Children will carry out a quiz when they have completed their book, to demonstrate their understanding of their reading comprehension.

Herons are able to revise their learning at home through weekly learning logs. Learning logs provide an excellent way of being able to show and share learning and research activities which they have completed at home. Two learning log tasks are set every Friday for children to then return on the following Wednesday. Please make your learning logs as creative and positive as possible so that they are enjoyable. We are always excited to see the work that they have produced. 

Our PE lessons are led by Premier Sport and delivered twice a week. Our PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.

Boys and girls please have your hair tied up for school. Thank you.


Class Teacher - Ms H Francis

Summer 1 Curriculum News


Spring Term 2024 


What has been happening in Heron class this spring?

Since Christmas, Year 3 have been busy learning how to play badminton with some fantastic serving, high serves and low serves. Footwork; excellent footwork is an important skill they have learned. Along with how we grip the racket. The children soon Learned that the correct grip gave them better control.

In RE, we learned about Hindu worship. Through discussion and research, we learned many new things. We also enjoyed leaning about how Hindus celebrate Diwali – the festival of Light in Britain today.

As always, Herons have been working hard to improve their maths fluency skills. Our focus tables in Year 3 are the 3s, 4s and 8s with corresponding division facts. We have been working hard to learn these tables. 

 The highlight of the term in Heron class was Art. They children really enjoyed the experience of learning to paint like ‘Michelangelo'. The children had a taste of how it might have felt painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Rome. He mainly painted in a standing position; however, we decided to sketch some of his work as if we were 60ft in the air.  We stuck a piece of paper on the underside of a table and painted portraits of Michelangelo. We all found this activity challenging, but most of us mastered it. 

The children finished the term, researching the artist, Anselm Kiefer who was renowned for sketching broken buildings. The children had a go at drawing their own broken building using a range of different marks for effect.  


Autumn Term 2023

Herons have had a very busy term. We have enjoyed French this term. Learning our colours and learning some colour songs. We have also revisited learning numbers to ten.
In History, we went back in time, learning all a
bout the Stone Age through t
 o the Iron Age. We learned about how people in History survived, hunted, traded and raided. We visited Historical
monuments, such as Stonehenge and wrote about the unearthing of Skara Brae.
In Maths, we finished the term mastering our 3 and 4x tables and the division for these tables. We are still working towards mastering our 8x tables and division for 8 x tables. The children
have enjoyed learning different songs and games to help them quickly recall their times tables.